Tone Quest Album

I made an album of instrumental music in my home studio. It’s called Tone Quest.

“Hey Doug, I only want to listen to one track to try it out” Sure, this is a good track to start with: Tone Quest – Remote Viewing

“Hey Doug, I’d love to check out the whole album for free” Great, you can listen to the album here: Tone Quest – YouTube

“Hey Doug, I’ve listened to it multiple times and would like to throw money at you!” Incredible, you can purchase the album here:

Blender Animation Explorations

Follow along with my animation explorations on our YouTube Channel.

I’ve worked in the animation industry for 16 years and that time has been split almost perfectly 50/50 between 3D and 2D projects. I love working in both mediums and each has their benefits and draw-backs. The more I’m learning in Blender, the more I’m bringing those two worlds together. It really is the perfect animation program for my sensibilities. It’s been so much fun doing these small bite size projects to apply all these new skills. Lots more stuff to come in the near future. Subscribe to our channel to keep up with the latest.