I LOVE making books!
This is the sixth book I will have made, and I have gradually fallen in love with the process. Obviously the story and art of a comic is #1 priority but that was 98% completed before I even launched a kickstarter to print the book.
Now comes a new challenge, and I’ve found such a creative joy in the small details of book design and production. One of my favourite things with the Jack Astro book was getting to design the end papers on the hardback book. It’s one of many design elements that can add so much, and if done correctly elevate a book to an art object in my opinion.
Obviously this comic collection is much smaller than Jack Astro at only 32 pages so a hardback option would be ridiculous! However the printers I am using allow printing on the inside front and back cover which I plan to make full use of.
Digging through sketchbooks from the early creation stages of Warped, I came across these grafitti experiments from when I was coming up with title design for the project. I think these might make a very cool design element on the inside covers so I thought I would share my thought process here as I’m going along 😀

Thanks to the new backers who hopped aboard over the weekend. We’re creeping towards that first stretch goal… I’ve got the next one planned out just in case. Fingers crossed! Please share the campaign with anyone you think might like the book. Thanks all!