Hello friends,
Jack Astro Kickstarter is 149% funded!
I did NOT expect to be saying that at dinnertime on launch day. I am so unbelievably thankful.
A HUGE thank you to everyone who has supported this Kickstarter so far. And thanks to all of you who have posted, reposted, liked, shared and what have you.
I was deliberately quite conservative in my targets, having planned on putting a good deal of my own money into printing costs. However, I still thought this month might be a long slow slog to reach the £500 goal.
Let’s keep the momentum going. I have a few stretch goals in mind.
I am extremely excited to be in a position to even consider this, I would like the first stretch goal to – upgrade every physical book ordered to be a hardcover instead of a softcover.

I think this upgrade will really show off the book in it’s best possible light. I’ve done all my costs and estimates on this one already and if we make it to £1500 I’ll make it happen.
Thank you again