Starting in March I’m happy to say you will find “Warped” comic, in The Phoenix Comic Magazine. It’s a real joy to see one of my comics alongside the many other fine comic creators like Jamie Smart, The Etherington Bros, Neill Cameron, etc, etc.
I’ve been an admirer of The Phoenix since it started and if you’ve not heard of it I’d highly recommend you check it out. They are keeping alive a long heritage of British comics for kids, and giving a place for new voices in the industry.

Warped is a spin-off from my Jack Astro Comic. It’s a completely stand-alone comic strip so no prior knowledge of Jack Astro is neccesary but it does broaden the canon in my mind and links to the book 😀
There is an idea in that story where an infinite number of Jack’s are sent to an infinite number of galaxies in splinter dimensions via the aptly named, Infinity Drive. Warped explores what happened to all of these alternate Jack’s. Each episode the characters explore strange new worlds and get themselves into mischief.

Look out for Warped in the coming weeks. I will be posting the comics here on this website as well but if you want to support a great British comics magazine and see amazing work from other new British cartoonists go subscribe to the Phoenix too.